Discover 5th Dimension

The virtual world of 5th Dimension is a rich, expansive universe filled with untold technological wonders and captivating natural beauty. From the lush, teeming forests of the island of Indu to the massive, sparkling edifices of the metropolis of Studio City, 5th Dimension’s magic and beauty is defined both by its violent contrasts and its alluring harmony.

The islands of 5th Dimension arise from a limitless sea of psychic energy known as Prana. The formation of land mass arises as a direct result of the collective mental energy, or consciousness, of the people that live upon them. In 5th Dimension, the power of the mind gives rise to the physical world and with enough combined mental energy, new parts of the physical world can be manifested purely by mental collective will.

City: Studio City

Island: Samsara

Studio City is the largest population center in 5th Dimension. An earth Earth-like,  peaceful and prosperous cultural district dominated by a sprawling metropolis. Home to a majority of 5th Dimension’s ‘neutral’ inhabitants in that they are not aligned with either the Nuri or the Savi, the 2 cultural factions that dominate the island.

Studio City is the center of trade within 5th Dimension, making the island of Samara the most developed and populated island in the archipelago. Its streets are filled with places of mercantile activity and commerce, and while the Savi and Nuri do have a presence within Studio City, it is the only population center in 5th Dimension that has outlawed public advocacy for the Savi and Nuri factions as part of an attempt to maintain peace and harmony.

Outside Studio City volcanic mountains and lush savannah dominate the island’s landscape. Its climate is warm and humid not unlike many other parts of the archipelago.

City: Emajica

Island: Katanaka

Emajica is the primary population center on the island of Katanaka, a rich, fantastical region studded with small population centers characterized by architectural wonders filled with magical curiosities.

The inhabitants of the city of Emajica have developed a society defined by the advancement of technology that is powered by Prana, and the combination of Pranic energy and advanced technology has been used by Emajica’s artisans to craft grand artworks of great beauty and technological artifacts powered by the energy of the mind. The artisans of Emajica are also responsible for maintaining and managing the Rifts that are used by the island's inhabitants to travel between its islands.

The city of Emajoca quickly gives way to verdant yet scrubby low country, divided by rocky highlands interspersed by a network of rivers, lakes, and fjords that are as beautiful as they are untamed.

City: NeoTokyo

Island: Utara

The most technologically advanced zone within 5th Dimension, Utara’s capital city Neotokyo is a massive complex of synthetic, technological structures and dark underground dwellings. NeoTokyo is also the scene of the greatest conflict between the Savi and Nuri factions, as they strive to exert control over the island’s wealth of high technology. Its freezing temperatures mean that much of the populace live life underground to avoid the bone chilling cold.

A desolate mountain range divides the island of Uatara and the conflict between the Savi and the Nuri has resulted in the range becoming a demarcation line, with population centers dominated by each faction occupying each side of the mountain island.

City: Jade Mountain

Island: Indu

The most remote and sparsely populated island in 5th Dimension, the island of Indu was raised from the Prana by a group of break-away members of the Nuri Faction only 4 decades earlier in an attempt to escape the constant struggle with the Savi and create a sanctuary where free thought and psychic advancement could thrive unchecked. 

Its capital city Jade Mountain, is a sanctuary for members of society seeking to understand the potential of the psychic power of the mind and its temples and sanctums form the backdrop for marvelous feats of psychic engineering of matter, space and time.

City: Jotunheim

Island: Jaivara

Once a thriving center for trade and technology, the struggle for power between the Nuri and the Savi has left the island of Jaivara and its capital Jotunheim a shattered ruin where its remaining inhabitants struggle to scratch a living from the desert and ruined structures that pepper the island’s surface.

In decades past the competition between the Savi and the Nuri engulfed 5th Dimension in bloody warfare and while the 2 factions have since declared a truce, a simmering anger exists just below the surface of the fragile peace. Its climate is hot and dry and much of the island is dominated by desert and the ruins of once magnificent structures destroyed in ages past by the waging of war.

Jotunheim is a beautiful yet harsh urban environment, a rogue’s gallery where only the strong prosper. The city's narrow streets and winding underways form a complex maze of alleys and covered structures designed to protect its inhabitants from the sun’s searing heat.